The 6th Annual SEGSO Chicago Professional Weekend will be held Friday, September 22 – Saturday, September 23, 2017. This two-day tour will present the city from a structural engineering perspective, giving students an introduction to the local professional culture as well as the unique historic architecture and skyscrapers which comprise Chicago’s world-renowned skyline.
We will have our mandatory overview meeting on Wednesday 20th at 5:30 p.m. NCEL 3310
Please bring the liability waiver signed. You can fin it here: Chicago 2017.
Our Structures Pen Pals program is coming and we need volunteers!
SEGSO gets incoming students in touch with current structures graduate students via email. The goal is to advise students about aspects of graduate life at UIUC, such as transportation, housing, coursework/research/teaching, what to do in Champaign-Urbana, etc.
Please help us welcome the incoming graduate students in structures to our University and community.
If want to help or you are an incoming student looking for advise please fill out this survey.
What? Special Student Research Seminar (EMI 2017 Conference practice)
When? Thursday June 1st
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Where? Newmark Room 1311
Even though we are in the summer period, we know that a good amount of you is sticking around. For this reason, from SEGSO we want to host a special Student Research Seminar as a practice session for the upcoming EMI 2017 Conference. We know that many us would like to hear more about fellow student projects, what they are, and how they are doing. Additionally, this will allow you to give a dry run to your presentation in a relaxed environment, and get feedback from your fellow graduate students. The idea of the seminar is that each student can talk for about 10-15 minutes (using a PowerPoint presentation or any other tool he or she might find useful) and then allow some room for questions.
Of course, everyone is welcome to attend the presentations! We just want to give preference in presenting to students participating in the aforementioned conference.
Pizza will be provided!
If you are interested, please let us know by emailing
Our Annual End-of-Semester Gathering is round the corner! Professor Abrams is hosting the social complete with barbecue. The event is on April 28, 2017 @ 6 p.m. Please RSVP here by Friday, April 21.