What: The first concrete-domed sports structure in the world, the State Farm Center, an architectural and engineering marvel on the University of Illinois campus, celebrated its 50th birthday in a big way in early March 2013. And now it becomes even better. The Illinois Renaissance project is set to dramatically renovate and improve State Farm Center. Estimated at $169.5 million, it will be one of the most ambitious building improvement projects in U of I history, and will benefit everyone – students, alumni and visitors from near and far – for decades to come. In this special site visit organized by S.E.A, we will be joined by the Structural Engineer of the Project – Dick Drew, P.E., S.E. – to give us a tour of the site and talk about all the cool structural engineering that is going to be a feature of the new and improved State Farm Center.
When: Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 at 3:45 pm
Where: State Farm Center. We will provide transportation to the site and back.
Contact: malik14@illinois.edu
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