Pen Pal Program – Volunteers needed!

Hello everyone,

First off, we hope everyone is having a great summer so far. Congratulations to those who graduated in May, and we look forward to seeing everyone who is continuing on this fall!

This summer, we are continuing our SEGSO Pen Pals Program! We’ve all been new students to a university before, and this program is our way of easing the transition to a new school for the incoming Fall 2014 structures graduate students. Seeing as though you all have experience in the department now, your knowledge is invaluable to many incoming students!

Through exchanging emails, you can help new students learn more about classes, professors, and activities to get involved with on campus. You can even help with things like apartment hunting and campus life. There isn’t much time commitment to this volunteering, but it is highly valuable to incoming students who don’t know much about UIUC.

TL;DR – Help new structures students via email by sharing your knowledge of the department and campus

If you are interested, please fill out our application form here:

Thanks, and have a great summer!

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